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What are Google Hotel Ads?

What are Google Hotel Ads?

Before making a hotel booking, most travellers do thorough research on Google. And, when it comes to traffic, Google exceeds any of the major OTA (Online Travel Agency) searches. It accounts for about 77% of the global search traffic.

And, although only a small percentage of the 4.5 billion daily searches performed on Google are for accommodation or travel, the numbers are still high for Google’s Hotel Ads meta-search product.

We’ll take an in-depth look at Google Hotel Ads and reveal how they work, how to start your first Hotel Ads campaign and highlight the benefits for hotel owners.

What Are Google Hotel Ads? And, How Do They Work?

Google Hotel Ads is a meta-search online platform which displays hotel rates compared to OTAs and highlights details about the hotel across all devices. It offers updated data on availability, room types, and pricing and shows relevant results to users searching for hotels via Google Maps or Google Search.

For example, if a prospect searches for a hotel in Paris, Google will return a search results page. It includes organic and paid results. Users can refine the results through filters including the number of guests, dates, hotel rating, and price range.

And, after activating the filters, a page will provide the available hotels which meet your conditions.

Once a prospect chooses a hotel of interest, the Hotel Details Card will appear. It provides information such as hotel description, reviews, and image gallery. And, it will also reveal a price comparison through Google Hotel Ads which allows prospects to choose the best offer. You’ll notice the green/ yellow ads button which allows searchers to book immediately.

After the user clicks on the chosen advertiser, Google will redirect him to the specific site to complete the booking.

But you’ll find Google Hotel Ads in other places than search results such as branded searches or on Google Maps.

Starting Your Google Hotel Ads Campaign

Starting your Google Hotel Ads Campaign comprises data feeds and a bidding selection.

Data feeds require certain data entry points about your business. For example, details such as vacancy, pricing, reviews, and images.

And, because developing your own feed is a technical process you can use a 3rd party integration partner. You can find various options the Hotel Ads site.

To begin, visit the Google Hotel Ads website and click on Get Started. You’ll be redirected to the Find a Partner page where you can choose an authorized integration partner which will provide Google with your hotel rates and vacancy. However, you can also skip this step and use Google’s start guide. You’ll apply to create 3 data feeds which Google will test before approving.

When it comes to bidding, you have two options including bidding on individual or groups of hotels. Depending on the hotels which you manage you can customise the bidding selection.

For example, group bidding will be more suitable for hotels which have similar pricing and star rating. You can edit bidding options and budgets in the Hotel Ads centre.

Benefits of Google Hotel Ads for Hotel Owners

When users book your hotel through OTAs, you won’t have access to the customers’ full data. You only receive the reservation number and an interface to communicate with the guest through the OTA’s website. This restricts you from offering your guests the unique experience which makes your hotel stand out from the crowd.

However, through Google Hotel Ads, guests can book their stay directly on your website. You’ll have full access to their information and can directly communicate with them without interference. And, it keeps costs on the low.

Also, Google Hotel Ads provides a direct comparison between your hotel’s rates and the rates offered by OTAs. You’ll own your guests’ information and can customize the experience before they arrive. This will increase the customers’ engagement levels.

You can create a direct relationship with your guests and offer them bespoke packages to make their stay as pleasant as possible. And, you’ll save money on recurring OTA commissions.

Also, you’ll incur lower commissions from Google Hotel Ads than ones you pay OTAs. You can tailor a Pay-Per-Acquisition solution to optimise conversion rates by paying a determined percentage of the value of the booking. It’s much lower than what OTAs require.

Also, you’ll enjoy more flexibility in customising your rates. For example, you can determine special rates or offers for users who make bookings through their mobile phones.


Through Google Hotel Ads you can increase your hotel’s online exposure and offer prospects the best rates.

You can highlight the advantages of your hotel, include reviews, images, availability and prices, all at low costs. And, you’re free to provide your customers with bespoke accommodation solutions to guarantee an unmatchable experience during their stay at your hotel.

You own all your customers’ data and won’t face interference from OTA platforms which mask relevant client information and restrict creating a relationship with your guests.

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Peter Johnson
Peter is a Google AdWords specialist, with associated skills in Bing Ads, Twitter Ads and Facebook Advertising.