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Top 5 SEO Blog Posts

Top 5 SEO Blog Posts

A quick round-up of the top 5 blog posts about SEO that our team have spotted in the past few days – enjoy!

SEO For Designers, Developers & Managers

An excellent post from over at SEO Book, discussing the barriers that you face (as an SEO consultant) when dealing with a team of people. The article includes some useful tips on dreaded use of Flash too!

Social Has Crossed the Marketing Budget Chasm; Will It Drown Search?

It seems hard to imagine that search could be overtaken, but one of the many interesting insights contained in Erez Barak’s piece is that more than 30% of small and medium-sized businesses are already making use of social media.

5 Site Optimization Blunders that Will Kill Your Rankings

This article, by Dustin Williams over at, reminds us of some common errors. Javascript navigation? Yuk!

Multiple H1 Tags Can Cause Google Penalty

Ah yes, we all know about making use of H1, H2 tags, but what happens when you get the structure all wrong? Could this be a possible cause of Google penalties?

Identify Local SEO Scammers Before They Bite You

A useful article for those looking to hire an SEO consultant or agency really. There are some less reputable professionals out there who are best avoided, as this article demonstrates rather well.

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