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The COVID 19 pandemic has disrupted business in the UK as we used to know it. Consumers have gone online to search for things they would get in the real world, such as being part of a community and connecting with nature. Since consumer behavior has changed profoundly, there is a need to reevaluate marketing strategies to reflect these changes.Localized searchesResearch indicates that most UK residents increasingly search for when amenities such as schools, transport networks...

We hope that 2019 was prosperous for your business and a success for your personally. From a business perspective, Google Ads may have been integral to your hopes for growth and development. So how did things go? The start of a new year brings about the opportunity to reflect, to evaluate and to consider. It may be the case that Google Ads helped to meet your goals. Or maybe it didn't help you to achieve as much as...

A Google Ads Quality Score is an assessment of the performance, relevance, and quality of your ads in the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. Quality Score has an effect of your cost per action and the position of your ads the Google Quality Score determines the profitability and success of your PPC. Better management and organization of Google Ads campaign can raise your Quality Score in a number of ways. You can take control over your quality score...

If you're looking to create a successful online marketing strategy, budget for Google Ads. They reach about 246 million unique visitors, a projected 700% ROI and 3.5 billion interactions every day. Google launched the Ads feature 2 years after it became the leading search engine worldwide. Dubbed "Google AdWords" in 2002, the platform rebranded in 2018 and became "Google Ads."   Google Ads is one of the most efficient ways to drive more traffic to your website, generate...

AdWords is undeniably an awesome way to generate traffic and ultimately increase sales or other desired actions on your website. But as a business you want to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to your marketing spend. One way to do this is by increasing your Google AdWords Quality Score which in turn will decrease the amount you will have to spend in order to achieve your objectives. Not only is this a...

The online world is a fiercely competitive place to do business, but it can be a profitable one too. Here in the UK, ecommerce is worth around 533 billion pounds a year, and accounts for around 17 per cent of all retail sales. It’s the only industry which has seen sustained growth in double digits, growing at around 11 per cent in the UK, and seven times faster than the global retail average. In order to harness...

Getting Google AdWords certified can be a must have for many industry professionals, with some marketing companies not even giving your CV a second glance if you do not have the credentials clearly present. However, for many marketers getting AdWords certified is a nice way to strengthen your overall offering, build your career and prove that you really know what you are doing when it comes to leveraging the power of search advertising. Search the internet for...

Unfortunately and inevitably people will always leave your website at some point. However awesome your site is, however low your bounce rate is and however well geared your content and design is to keep people engaged…people will still leave eventually. Betting is you have spent a lot of time working out how to get people to take actions whilst they are on your website, either through clear calls to action or attention-grabbing popups. But what about when...

To your Average Joe, landing pages can seem like a pretty simple tool to use. You simply create a page that has all the most relevant information on it, direct loads of traffic to it and watch the sales/conversions roll through the door. But if you have ever actually created a landing page and measured the results (betting is you have), then you will be well aware it isn’t just that simple. There are loads of elements...

How is search engine marketing going to change in 2018? What are the latest trends that you need your agency to be on top of? In this week’s blog post, we examine some of the top stats that provide enlightenment. 60% of Google users are unable to identify the fact that they are looking at a paid ad, rather than an organic listing (Source: Smart Insights, 2017) The average Click Through Rate (CTR) witnessed on Facebook,...