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It would be lovely to ignore Google sometimes. Indeed, this is something that can work well for some business owners, but it's not a risk that many can afford to take. The reality is that Google dominates the search engine scene here in the UK. With more than 85% of searches being conducted on this single search engine, it's clear that ignoring its existence will only lead to less traffic for your site. That doesn't mean, of...

The world of search engine optimisation (SEO) rarely stands still, as has been particularly evident in recent months. The UK scene is dominated by Google, with figures suggesting that the Internet giant has more than 85% of the UK search market. What this means for business owners is that changes within Google can have a wide effect. This is why many search engine marketing consultants have been paying close attention to the series of Google algorithm changes,...

Google Adwords is the advertising system from the search engine giant that allows you to pay per click (PPC). In other words, you only pay when a visitor reaches your website. In theory, Adwords (pronounced "Add Words") represents a simple approach. But many companies have built up years of expertise of using the system, ensuring that they are able to create advertising campaigns that really produce value for money. When using Adwords, you'll soon be presented with various...

Our UK PPC consultancy services are proving increasingly popular, but we've been surprised in recent months by the number of clients that have previously been using overseas pay-per-click management agencies. Given the ability to communicate easily via email, Skype and the like, does it really matter where a PPC agency is based, in relation to clients? We would obviously say "yes - it matters a lot"...

Why do so many people want to be on page one of Google? We all know that this is where traffic is to be found, but things weren't always this way. There was a time when others dominated the search engine market. Google's dominance of the search engine market in the UK is a real extreme. It's quite different, for instance, from the current scene in the United States. The figures for UK market share really draw attention...

A quick round-up of the top 5 blog posts about SEO that our team have spotted in the past few days - enjoy! SEO For Designers, Developers & Managers An excellent post from over at SEO Book, discussing the barriers that you face (as an SEO consultant) when dealing with a team of people. The article includes some useful tips on dreaded use of Flash too! Social Has Crossed the Marketing Budget Chasm; Will It Drown Search? It seems hard...

Do you need search engine submissions in order to raise the profile of your website? There's no doubt that improved search engine positioning could help your business. But times have changed. In the early days of the Internet, many website owners would make use of submission links in order to get their sites listed. So you might carry out Google search engine submission, then Yahoo, then Bing and so on. The search engines have become much more sophisticated...