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2017 appears to be the year of fake news, with the phenomenon capturing numerous news headlines during the first few months of the new year. Google, the search engine giant, have found themselves caught up in the midst of this particular story. With some larger brands pulling advertising and policy-makers taking aim at those publishing content that is seen to be false, or particularly unpleasant, many of the world’s leading search engines, social media companies and publishers...

Do you want your business to be the next Coca Cola or Google? We love it when clients think big, but we’re also endlessly encountering businesses that are finding success targeting sectors that appear to be small. Creating a leading search engine, or an incredibly popular soft drink that can be sold to the masses, certainly provides one route to success. But there’s a lot to be said for being a big fish in a small pond....

There are plenty of businesses, large and small, seeing great results from Adwords campaigns. But it's also true to say that numerous small businesses experiment with Google Adwords, before concluding that this style of advertising simply doesn't work for them. Why should there be different outcomes? Is it possible that Adwords offers a cost-effective approach for some, but not others? Based upon our own experiences, we would say that a number of factors need to be considered...

The Google Penguin algorithm updates have transformed the way in which many SEO providers think about the approach that they take to link building. It's also clear, having read a number of leading forums on the subject, that there's an enormous amount of confusion around. These levels of confusion aren't just associated with small business owners. It's fair to say that many SEO analysts and consultants are struggling to come to terms with Google's changing emphasis. What...

Before launching into this article, it might make more sense to begin by asking: do you know who Matt Cutts is? He's the head of Google's webspam team and is increasingly seen as the public face of Google, when it comes to providing information about SEO. His blog contains notes on what you should be doing, as well as techniques that should be avoided. As a result, he regularly issues guidance on a broad range of issues. There's...

It sometimes feels a little too easy to associate any loss of positioning within Google with the idea that a site has been hit by a penalty. Although this is probably the actual cause in many cases, it's often easy to place blame in the wrong area. If you've been busily submitting reconsideration requests and not getting much joy, then you need to think about your approach. What can a reconsideration request be used for and why...

In most SEO campaigns, it's likely that you'll have some sort of mixture of objectives. You may have identified some "quick wins" - keywords where you think that progress can be made quickly. These probably (although not always) will be terms that don't generate huge amounts of traffic. You may feel that there is a lack of competition, however, which should ensure that you can gain positioning pretty quickly. It's then likely that you'll have a set of...

The start of a new year clearly brings numerous opportunities, particularly in the world of business. For those operating online, this may be a time to look again at the time, effort and money that is being associated with the SEO process. The role of Google Google's dominance of the UK search engine scene continues and shows few signs of diminishing. Although Microsoft have invested heavily in producing a higher profile for their Bing search engine, the reality...

Does the Public Sector need to get involved in the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)? That's an interesting question to ask, at a time when the priority within the UK appears to be to cut spending in many areas. Without delving into the history of those cutbacks are occurring, it's worth considering whether SEO is an area where public finances should ever be invested. There has been investment in this area in the past - is...

It would be lovely to ignore Google sometimes. Indeed, this is something that can work well for some business owners, but it's not a risk that many can afford to take. The reality is that Google dominates the search engine scene here in the UK. With more than 85% of searches being conducted on this single search engine, it's clear that ignoring its existence will only lead to less traffic for your site. That doesn't mean, of...