Strategic Internet Marketing

by | Jan 5, 2011 | Internet Marketing | 0 comments

You may be thinking about marketing your business online. You can attract more visitors to your website, generate more leads and get more business as a result. What could possibly go wrong?!

Many people take the plunge in this way, believing that it’s possible to do a little bit of something here, a little of something different there. Although this can work in some instances, most people realise that the key to success is to plan properly in advance.

This holds true in the world of Internet Marketing, just as it does elsewhere. We like to take a strategic approach to Internet Marketing because we believe that this increases your chances of success.

The alternative is to face a real uphill struggle. When you consider some of the key elements of online marketing, you can soon see that there’s a lot to plan. For starters, you need to consider:

  • Use of paid search
  • On-site optimisation
  • Keyword targeting
  • Attracting links
  • Social bookmarking
  • Social networking
  • Branding
  • Marketing consistency
  • Analytics

…and that’s just for starters! Start out with a plan and you’ll put yourself in a much better position to find online success.