We know that “content is king” when it comes to the world of SEO. How do we know this? Mainly because it’s something that’s constantly stated by people working within the SEO industry.
It’s also a statement, however, that seems to me to have contributed to an overload of poor quality information online. It seems that plenty of people are out there creating content, but is there really value associated with much of it? Sadly, it seems that there’s considerable room for improvement.
So let’s declare a starting point: I do believe that great content can enhance a site. As part of that process, it can contribute to the improved positioning of that site within the search engine results. In this sense, content must be seen as being a good thing.
So when do problems start to occur? For me, this starts to be an issue once content is being produced for SEO purposes. That’s when it’s possible to fall into the trap of creating endless pages of words, full of keywords, but rather lacking in…well…real content.
Does this mean that you should simply stop writing? I believe that this would be a mistake, but I do think that you need to start considering your target audience. Who are you really writing for? What are you aiming to get out of this process? More importantly, what will the reader gain?
The danger, as things stand, is that we may almost forget that such readers even exist. We struggle to resist the temptation of writing articles where the audiences consists of Google, Yahoo, Bing and the others. Those aren’t real audience members.
For my money, I think that the maximum SEO gain comes from writing interesting, original, relevant pieces. Aim to create items that will interest your readers and forget about the search engines. If you can gain enough interest, then those search engines will soon start to reward you with the positioning that you’re looking for.
Content will be at the very heart of any successful SEO strategy. That much has remained true for many years and is unlikely to change in the near future. But you need to be wary of writing for the sake of doing so. That’s unlikely to do your site, or your brand, much good.
Write articles when you have something to say and when you believe that others will want to hear it.
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