Optimising for the local area

by | Apr 2, 2011 | Local Search, SEO | 0 comments

We often work with local companies, helping them to generate more targeted visitors to their websites and, ultimately, more customers.

But when we’re working on Hampshire SEO projects, we’re also careful to think about the message that we’re sending out on behalf of clients. This is especially important when dealing with local businesses – possibly even more so than in other situations.

Partly, that’s because nearby businesses will often be looking at local people as potential customers. Often, this means that those customers may even want to visit them at their shops, showrooms or offices.

Part of our role is about opening lines of communication and helping to build relationships.

This process may start with the business website. It’s immediately setting out information about the company and its employees.

We may think about SEO as being about writing content that’s targeted at Google, Yahoo, Bing and the other search engines. This actually seems to us to be the wrong approach.

Good quality content should focus on those potential customers. It should give them confidence and make them want to engage with the business. If it puts them off making contact, or placing an order, then it’s failing.

So good SEO isn’t simply about getting more visitors to a website. It’s about getting targeted visitors – those who are more likely to go on to purchase. The content of the site will have a significant impact on this, as will the way that the client’s business is portrayed more widely.

It’s one of the key characteristics that stands out when thinking about optimising for local businesses.

Of course, by adopting such an approach, we always hope that we’ll gain more local clients – we’re hoping that those searching for an Alresford SEO company, or a Winchester SEO company would find out about us from other happy clients!