It would be lovely to ignore Google sometimes. Indeed, this is something that can work well for some business owners, but it’s not a risk that many can afford to take.
The reality is that Google dominates the search engine scene here in the UK. With more than 85% of searches being conducted on this single search engine, it’s clear that ignoring its existence will only lead to less traffic for your site. That doesn’t mean, of course, that it can’t be frustrating at times.
Even working full-time within the SEO industry, we find that we’re constantly fighting to learn about the latest changes. It doesn’t help that there’s a certain lack of transparency here: we wouldn’t expect Google to offer details of all the changes that are being made; by the same token, it’s clear that different agencies will have their own views on the latest changes.
The good news for our clients is that we’ve been carrying out this sort of work for many years. Does this mean that we’re immune to the odd Panda or Penguin? Of course not, but it does mean that we’re in a strong position to be able to react.
Sometimes we simply have to accept that changes will continue to occur. Google doesn’t present a stable, settled view of the world. If you wait for it to do so, you may find that it will take a long time before you get the results that you’re looking for.
The best advice that we give is to say that you should concentrate on what your users really want. If you maintain that sense of focus, then you’ll find that Google and the other search engines will reward you with plenty more visitors. After all, they want to provide what people are looking for.
If you read the numerous forums that are available online, then you’ll find that there’s plenty of speculation. Some sources of information are of pretty questionable quality.
Keep concentrating on that user experience. You won’t go far wrong.