The 4 major common Google Ads mistakes and How to Avoid them
If you have not been using Google Ads for your business, then you are missing on such a great opportunity to drive tremendous traffic to your business. Ads work quite effectively for most businesses since every click translates to a new visitor who is a potential client. However, there are a number of businesses no matter how much they invest in Google Ads, it still don’t work for them. This is simply because there are mistakes that they make while applying the Ads which limit its effectiveness. Through this article, I will discuss a few mistakes that most businesses do and how to solve then in order to realize good results with Google Ads.
1. Wrong keyword match
Before placing your advert on Google Ads, it is important to know the three categories of keyword matches:
· Broad match`-This category is quite effective. When people search for your keyword, your search results shows up regardless of the order your keywords are arranged in the search string.
· Phrase match – This type of keyword is quite limiting. For it to appear, the prospect customer has to search for that keyword in the exact format and order of how you placed it.
· Exact match – In this case, for your keyword to show, the prospect customer has to find the exact keyword. Unlike in the phrase match where your keyword can appear in other searches for instance if your key word is best solar lamp, someone se arching for where to buy best solar lamp can find your keyword. However, on the case of exact match, a customer can only find your key word if they search it exactly as best solar lamps.
In order to resolve this keyword match issue, start by using exact match as you scale to broad and phrase. If using one after the other does not produce your desired result, combine the three keyword matches and make a strategic bid using certain software called cascading bids. With that I am sure you will be good to go and your marketing efforts will bear desired fruits.
2. Poorly written Ads and missing Ads extensions
Google has you as the advertiser in mind and hence it has provided an effective way of writing your Ad copy. From this platform provided by Google, it is easy to adjust your settings in order to optimize your Return On Investment (ROI). In order to enhance your Ads, there are Ads extensions from which you can use Sitelinks.
What this means is that you have that ability imposed to you to add extra links or information which gives the customers more reasons why they should choose to click your ads.
In order to make it even more effective and eliminate wasteful Ads, choose the right information to add to your Ad extensions. Use phone location and site link extension. Also make sure, the information displayed on your extension targets what the customer is looking for. When the customer gets to your site, they should be able to get the information that they need.
If the customers find the information they are looking for on your site, this would mean they are likely to take longer on the site and perhaps come back again.
3. Ignoring Regional trends
Generally, there are two categories of advertisers. The first one aims at targeting on a small area first for instance one city as they plan to advance to more geographical areas. The other category is that which is quite aggressive and they will target national wide or even international.
As a matter of fact, when placing ad Ad, the first factor to consider is the area you wish to run the Ad. If your business is one that the entire country can be your customers, you will consider running the Ad national wide or even international if there is a new area you are trying to expand your market.
In case you are running a new business which you have not fully identified your customer’s, it is advisable to test a bigger geographical area. In a few attempts you will be able to know your customer’s better and maybe for your next Ad you run it targeting a more specific niche
This approach is quite important as you can compare the performance of various regions. If you realize one region is performing better than another, that gives you a ground to cut costs on such poorly performing areas and boost the areas that are doing better
If you go this approach, be keen to check your Ads trends in order to avoid fueling a lot of finances to a region that is not likely to yield any return. This will help you widen your profit margins.
4. Ignorance to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Could there be a possibility for you to waste both time and money if you fail to know your customer’s lifetime value? Before investing on acquiring that one customer, put your pen down and calculate their lifetime value.
The customer lifetime value is the actual income that the customer is likely to generate during the time he/she will be engaged to you brand. This is the ultimate KPI that you can use to determine the value of a customer. It determines the kind of investment you are likely to put in order to recruit a customer bearing in mind the returns that such customer will bring.
Its goes without saying that the particular Google Ad will not work for you if you don’t know your customer’s lifetime value. Bid on Google Ads that brings customers with high retention rate and whose lifetime value is high.
Bottom line
It will require your patience, time and a lot of testing in order to run a successful Google Ad campaign. As stated spend enough time to set up you campaign well and try as much to avoid the mistakes with Google Ads in order to generate effective leads at a cost effective level.