Why do so many people want to be on page one of Google? We all know that this is where traffic is to be found, but things weren’t always this way. There was a time when others dominated the search engine market.
Google’s dominance of the search engine market in the UK is a real extreme. It’s quite different, for instance, from the current scene in the United States.
The figures for UK market share really draw attention to the extent of the domination:
Google: 90.02%
Bing: 4.24%
Yahoo: 2.93%
(Source: Experian Hitwise, April 2011)
In the US, by comparison, Google’s market share stands at only 64.42% and Microsoft’s Bing has been making considerable inroads.
For the time being, however, it seems that Google is still the place to be seen in the UK.
You can find out more about our Google search engine optimisation services online.