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Google AdWords For Lead Generation – Mobile Load Times

Google AdWords For Lead Generation – Mobile Load Times

Search presents an ever-changing landscape, offering new challenges and a diverse set of opportunities on a daily basis. In this research piece, we consider the latest trends in relation to lead generation using Google AdWords. What changes do you need to make, in order to stay multiple steps ahead of the competition?

The importance of mobile

Right now, if you’re not getting mobile right, then you’re losing out on business. Back in May 2015, Google announced that the majority of searches were being conducted on mobile devices, rather than using desktop machines. That was a big turning point and the scenery has continued to shift since then. By the summer of 2016, Hitwise were reporting that almost 60% of searches were being conducted via mobile.

A breakdown of data that has subsequently been released by Hitwise shows that the popularity of mobile searches tends to vary by sector. For example, on Google searches relating to food and beverages (including those searching for restaurants), it was found that 72% of online searches were being carried out using a mobile device. For automotive searches, by comparison, the figure was recorded as being 62%.

So what can we say about the importance of mobile within the search environment? Firstly, there has been a steady increase in the proportion of searches being conducted using mobile devices. As things stand today, the majority of searches are performed in that way.

Secondly, we know that the precise scale of the mobile dominance varies by sector.

But what happens after search? What happens when a mobile visitor reaches your site?

You probably already realise that speed matters, when it comes to providing a great mobile experience. If you didn’t know this before reading that last sentence, then let’s flesh out some of the details: 75% of respondents to a Google survey said that page load times are more important than any other factor. They expressly suggested that this was more important than the fit of a website within the available screen size, or even than the overall design.

The research went somewhat further than this, however. It might easily be concluded that a faster site would perform better than one that is slower. In fact, that appears to be a logical conclusion that can be drawn from the findings. The reality, however, is somewhat different: it seems that the perception of load times is more important than the actual load times experienced.

Let’s look at some specific examples of how perception can have an impact:

Many sites prioritise the loading of above the fold content, creating a perception of a faster loading site and reaping the rewards. But perception can change from one individual to the next: those in younger age groups, for instance, tend to have higher expectations of rapid load times.

What about the feelings of the viewer? Those might be hard to identify, but Google’s report suggests that those who are anxious or stressed will tend to be less patient, clicking off sites more quickly prior to loading.

What does all of this mean for lead generation?

It’s possibly the key findings of how people react to load times that is of most interest to those looking to generate leads. It’s reported that 92% of respondents reach their intended goal on a fast-loading site. That figure drops to 73% in cases where a site is perceived as being slow.

So create the fastest site that you can and ensure that your site is perceived as being as fast loading as it can be.

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