by Vanessa Simms | Jul 17, 2018 | Google Adwords
If you’ve never used Google AdWords before, you’re already missing out on something amazing. Because of AdWords’ natural ability to drive highly targeted, low cost leads to your website, it’s one of today’s most powerful marketing tools out there. But, before you head...
by Peter Johnson | Jul 11, 2018 | Google Adwords
The majority of modern digital marketers loves Google AdWords with a passion. With an average of 3.5 billion searches on the platform every day, Google provides an unprecedented level of exposure to users looking to purchase all types of products and services. But...
by Peter Johnson | Jul 2, 2018 | Google, Google Adwords
Pick a random marketer and ask them whether they think Google AdWords returns substantial results for their business. Only luck can tell whether the answer would be an excited yes or resounding no. The divide between lovers and haters of the platform is challenged...
by Peter Johnson | Jun 24, 2018 | Google Adwords, Google Analytics
For your Google Adwords campaigns to be optimised to their full potential, it is critical that they are integrated with Google Analytics. Once this happens true business intelligence can be realised leading to better, more profitable decision making. Once you have...
by Peter Johnson | Jun 20, 2018 | Google Adwords, Google Adwords Guide
Remarketing is hailed by many marketers as the holy grail of targeted advertising. What better way to increase your conversions than to target those that have already engaged with your brand in some way. Having spent some time on your website or landing pages shows at...
by admin | Jun 5, 2018 | Conversion Rates, Google Adwords
Are you out of the loop on the latest developments in the world of Google AdWords? Allow us to get you back in that loop, with our summary of new features, integrations and policy changes from the past few weeks. Google Optimize Integration The Google Optimize...