by Keith Barrett | Apr 25, 2023 | Google Ads, Paid Marketing, PPC, SEO
Should you focus your digital marketing budget on paid search, or organic search? Or maybe a bit of both? We take a closer look at the pros and cons of pay per click (PPC) solutions and search engine optimisation (SEO) to help guide your marketing investment...
by Keith Barrett | Feb 15, 2023 | Google Ads, PPC
As a marketing agency owner, I’ve had many clients who have asked me the same question: “Do people really click on Google Ads?” It’s a valid concern, as investing in Google Ads can be a significant expense. However, the short answer is yes,...
by Vanessa Simms | Jun 4, 2019 | Conversion Rates, Google Ads, Paid Marketing, PPC
Creating PPC’s Ad words Ad copy goes beyond writing them as they are, including the feature words and a call to action. Many people running PPC accounts fail to think in between the lines, which affects the effectiveness of Ad copy variations. So how does one...
by Vanessa Simms | Mar 21, 2019 | Paid Marketing, PPC
In terms of PPC, most people only think of the PPC networks run by Bing and Google. However, these are not the only PPC platforms on the internet. Due to the success of PPC, many companies have created their own platforms to cash in on its success. These lesser-known...
by admin | Mar 12, 2019 | Paid Marketing, PPC, Reputation Management
With the revolution in technology, internet marketing is proving to be an effective way of letting consumers aware of a product or service that you are providing. With the use of the Pay per click model of internet marketing, brands have been able to grow and gain...